lunes, 9 de junio de 2014



Hello ,we are students of ESO 1A at San Jose school  in Lugo , this is our blog about Canada ,our names are: Aurora , Ana , Pablo , Martin and Diego . Here you can find information about Canada and its history , geography, food, famous people...the symbols , the landmarks . Canada is beautiful country with beautiful things and we enyoid learning about this country.
We hope you ´ll like it !



Canada is the second largest country in the world with 9.984.670 km2 .
Bordered on the north with the Artic Ocean , on the East with the Atlantic Ocean , on the South with the USA and in the west with the pacific ocean . Canada´s capital is Ottawa and Canada is divided in ten provinces and three territories .

The mont Logan is the biggest mountain in Canada with 5959 m and the longest river in Canada, is the Mackenzie river 1738 knf.

The weather is very cold ,this the reason that they have animals used to the cold weather , like beavers the animal of the country .In the forests we find trees like pines , cedar and leafs .



The first people that lived in Canada , where people from Siberia , but then people from Asia , the inuits, come to Canada.

With the discovery of America people from England and France come to Canada ,but only one could be there and this was England, but now in areas of Quebec , the Acada people from French remained his language and manners .Now are parts of Canada speak English , and the other French .

In the actuallity the prime minister is Stephen Harper.



Canadian food is charactized by a rich agriculture,for example, in Quebec, the french influence is shown in their food, for example, the Tourtiéres, a meatloaf ,the pea soup and the Pourtine , chips with curd.

In the area of  Nova Scotia , the plates are with fish, are very typical , like the Solomon gundy .
In the area of Montreal, stand the meats, and is typical the Boeuf fume , that is made with black bread,pickles, mustard and meat .
And finally in the area of Ontario, the maple soup is very typical that acoomppanies food like the Trempettes , that are similar of the pancakes.

famous people


JIM CARRY: Is an actor and comic nomined for awards like the BAFTA  or the  Golden Globes . he is charactized for his exaggered faces and his flexible movements , you can see it in comedies like , Ace Ventura , Pet Detective or Dumb and Dumbers.

ALISSON MACK :Is an actress from television , can see her on TV programmes , Smallville, giving life to Clohe Sullivan.

MICHAEL J.FOX: He start acting with only 9 years old , you can see him in movies like ,Back to the future and Family Ties , he was nomined to award like the Grammy , the Golden Globes or the SAG.



In Canada if you want to buy somenthing you must use the canadian dollar , that is the official currency canada. Before using the canadian dollar, they used the british pound sterling , because of the spread of so-called spanish dollar or peso in north america during the 18th and the 19th centuries.



In Canada , there are lot of symbols that defined this country , like the beavers , totems ...but the most important are

FLAG: Consists of three stripes , two red and a white stripp in the middle that got inside a red maple leaf , the meaple It´s very typical tree in Canada.
It was the prime ministre in 1920 and 1940 , Mackenzie King , that introduced the flag , like , a distintive symbolo of Canada.

The shield is very imortant



PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: The green pastures and red clifts,charactize, this beautiful island .

OTTAWA , ONTARIO : The capital of canada ,is the best city to learn about the culture of canada ,here we find the largest skating rink in the world .

KELOWNA: Canadianpeople ,go to kelowna on holidays,in the rockie mountains in the Orkanagan valley, a river, Valley that has some of the best weather in canada.

THE NIAGARA FALLS: There are amazing falls , with a fallen of 52 metres.One pot is in the USA  and the other in Canada.

THE LOUISE LAKE : In the rookie mountains , a large turoquoise glacier lake , drained thousand years in the distance.

costumes and traditions


THE WINTERCARNIVAL: In winter, in Quebec ,the people celebrate a carnival full of music , dances, and a long ice slide .They celebrate too,lot of matches of hockey ,the sport of the country,and competitions of ice skating .In Ottawa the people celebrate a party like this ,It´s called the Winterlude.

THE CARAVAN: An exchange of cultures with food and festivites.

THE MONTREAL JAZZ FESTIVAL: One of the most important festivals of jazz in the world.

CALGARY STAMPEDE: Held in the city of Calgary, the do rodeosand race cars .It´s a tribute of the Old West.

CHRISTMAS: In Canada  christmas is typical to eat a sweet called Taffy , and is typical put one ornament red in the tree because the red is for them the christma´s color .And if you go out on christmas morning you can haer lots of children singing christmas carols.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Recient News


Canada is relapsing economically much . Canada is a country rich and developed , with lot of world famous companies, but in these last years , to open a big grap between the wealth and the poor people . Here is the working poor, people that have jobs but the money that they charge is little .