lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

costumes and traditions


THE WINTERCARNIVAL: In winter, in Quebec ,the people celebrate a carnival full of music , dances, and a long ice slide .They celebrate too,lot of matches of hockey ,the sport of the country,and competitions of ice skating .In Ottawa the people celebrate a party like this ,It´s called the Winterlude.

THE CARAVAN: An exchange of cultures with food and festivites.

THE MONTREAL JAZZ FESTIVAL: One of the most important festivals of jazz in the world.

CALGARY STAMPEDE: Held in the city of Calgary, the do rodeosand race cars .It´s a tribute of the Old West.

CHRISTMAS: In Canada  christmas is typical to eat a sweet called Taffy , and is typical put one ornament red in the tree because the red is for them the christma´s color .And if you go out on christmas morning you can haer lots of children singing christmas carols.

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